R o n  P a r a s S t u d i o


Huffington Post

Editors’ Choice
“Ron Paras is an artist to see and an artist to watch.”

Washington Post

Going Out Guide, Top Picks
“Paras’ work is moody, mysterious and starkly beautiful – capturing one’s imagination and not letting go.”

Galleries Magazine

 – Silent Symphony

“Ron Paras’ Silent Symphony is a series of photographs in four movements. The tone and texture of his large black and white images parallel the tempos of a symphonic composition. The opening movement, Allegro consists of five landscapes that are bright and alive with energy. They are followed by the five images that make up the Allegro movement consisting primarily of interconnected trees and foliage that flow together in a calm and seamless manner. The final two movements of the composition are comprised of the five mildly comic images of Scherzo, and the bold contrasting images that make up Rondo. Taken individually, Silent Symphony’s twenty images are beautiful and intriguing, but what ultimately makes the series successful is Paras’ ability to form rhythms with his images.”

Art in America

Review – Something and Nothing: Activating The Void
Something and Nothing: Activating The Void, a group show at McLean Project for the Arts, opens with Ron Paras’  panoramic black and white photograph Gothic. This large, beautiful yet ominous photograph depicts a woman in white moving gracefully through a stark landscape of barren trees and fallen branches. Her plight is a mystery that Mr. Paras cleverly leaves open to interpretation.”

élan Magazine

Cover story – Beyond the Obvious

“The images of photographer Ron Paras demonstrate a flair for the dramatic-outrageous, yet gracefully understated; pushing the boundaries, yet showing remarkable restraint; depicting the familiar, yet paired with elements distinctly and refreshingly unexpected. Within the seeming simplicity of a photograph, we find what we crave so much: the gem of seeing things anew – the gem of pleasant surprise.”
